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Co-President Bucak: Up-to-date tools are needed for innovation work

Serra Bucak, Co-Mayor of Diyarbakır Metropolitan Municipality, participated in the “Project Cycle Management and Access to Funding Sources Training” organized for the staff and stated that up-to-date tools are needed for innovation efforts.  


The Metropolitan Municipality, in cooperation with the Union of Municipalities of Turkey (UMT) and the European Union (EU), organized a two-day “Project Cycle Management and Access to Funding Sources Training” for municipal staff. 

The first day of the program, designed to increase the project preparation capacity of municipal staff to make more effective use of national and international funding sources, started with a session for department heads and senior managers at the Ali Emiri Conference Hall in the municipality building. The opening speech of the session was delivered by Metropolitan Municipality Co-Mayor Serra Bucak. 


Co-President Bucak: Up-to-date tools are needed to overcome deficiencies 

Co-Mayor Bucak pointed out that up-to-date tools are needed to overcome institutional deficiencies and to carry out innovation activities, and said, “When we evaluate the municipality's work, we have lost eight years. In order to prevent these problems, to realize the opportunities offered by the age and funding institutions for such a large service area responsible for 17 districts, and to know the sources of funds and projects well, we wanted to put forward the basis of such a study with both the metropolitan, DISKİ and department heads.” 


'This perspective will provide an important impetus'

Co-Mayor Bucak, who said that the Department of Studies and Projects was newly established, said the following about the training: “It is important that the elected and the city's participation penetrate here. We have lost eight years, that's why we found it necessary to establish this department. We attach great importance to trainings like this. As long as you are here, it is important that you get involved and utilize this place with the aim of making it active, that you think about the project. While our resources are limited and there are negativities and shortcomings, it is very important to create alternatives. Our concern is not only financial projects and cooperation; this perspective will also give an important impetus to the promotion and visibility of the city.”


Following the opening speech, Civil Society Development Center (STGM) Project Coordinator Murat Özçelebi provided information on project preparation techniques and grant programs. Özçelebi made a presentation on how to develop more effective and sustainable projects in line with the strategic goals of the municipality. 


The two-day training program will continue at Çand Amed Culture and Congress Center.



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